

Black Widow

60ml Evil Spirits Vodka
Black food colouring
30ml cranberry juice
40ml orange juice
A whole lime
Black olives to garnish

In the bottom of a shaker add the vodka along with two drops of food colouring (you may have to add more if a darker colour is required), orange juice and the juice of a strained lime. Add ice up to the fill line and using a bar spoon, stir your cocktail until chilled (about 10 seconds). Strain liquid into a chilled glass and serve. Garnish with orange peel or black olives. 

Blood Orange

60ml Evil Spirits Vodka
30ml of Orangina
1 whole orange
Raspberry syrup syringes

Add vodka, Orangina and the juice of a whole squeezed orange into a cocktail shaker with ice, shake until very cold (about 20 seconds). Strain into chilled glasses and place raspberry syrup filled syringes in drinks. Squeeze raspberry syrup filled syringes into glasses and serve. Orange wedge and raspberry syrup can be added to the side of glasses for decoration. 



Brain Haemorrhage

35ml Evil Spirits Vodka
20ml lime juice
20ml cream liqueur
½ tsp grenadine

Start by mixing the vodka and lime juice together and add to a shot glass about ¾ full. Next comes the tricky part; slowly add the cream without splashing to form the membrane tissue. Professional bartenders will use a low flow bottle pourer. Substitute a plastic drinking straw by inserting into the cream liqueur and holding your finger tip over the end while transferring to the shot glass. Finally, drizzle a small amount of grenadine over the top to simulate dripping red blood. 

The Killer

3 tbsp lime juice
3 tbsp lemon juice
Half a red chopped chilli (or flakes)
A pinch of rock salt
60ml vodka
60ml lemonade
Soda water
Red chilli to garnish

Place lemon, lime juice and half a chopped red chilli into cocktail shaker (chilli flakes can be used if less heat is required). Grind a layer of Rock Salt and add a pinch into mix. Leave to stand for 15 minutes.

Add the vodka and ice and stir; strain liquid into the cocktail glass and add the lemonade. Top up with soda water if needed.

Garnish with a chilli. 



Pumpkin Pie


60ml Evil Spirits Vodka
1 tbsp canned pumpkin pie mix
1 tbsp of spiced syrup    

Shake all ingredients and DOUBLE STRAIN into a Martini glass. (You will want to strain the mixture, through a 3" fine mesh strainer. it will strain slowly as the pumpkin makes the mix thick, using a spoon to agitate the mixture in the strainer if you want to speed up the process.) 

Spiced Syrup can be bought but if you would prefer to make you own (and make your house smell amazing in the process) you can find the recipe below...


In a 2 quart saucepan, add:
8 small slices of fresh ginger (skin on is fine) 
1/2 of a vanilla bean (split open)
4 cinnamon sticks (3-inch size)
30 whole allspice berries 
20-25 whole cloves (stems on) 
6 whole star anise pods 
2 cups of sugar 
2 3/4 cups of water 

Simmer all ingredients on low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let steep for another 2-3 hours. Add a little water if the mixture is too viscous (resembling thickness of honey). Then, strain into a glass container and store in the refrigerator until needed.